"It's cold here
The goose bumps on my arms
are a constant reminder of this
They tried to clip my wings...
Feet hitting the ground in a rythem
that is unmistakably running
I slip out of the house into the night air
My mind is swerling with thoughts
Flashes of memories pricking at my skin like nettles...
I push away the chains and keep on moving
blind with fear
My tree comes into sight towering above the others
It's branches sweep down as if to welcome me home
I keep my dreams here...
hiding in the nooks and crannies of the weathered bark
I climb into it's arms
I am set free from the doom
The pain becomes nothing but a faint glow
Here i am only one
And this is my world....
Tonight i will sleep here with the leaves and squirrels
and tomorrow will be a better day...."
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