Please bring bus fare, $4 for museum admission, your journal, and a pen.
The Artist in Place is a year-long exploration of place and its relationship to the work of the artist. Through field study of evocative locales, observation, reading, writing, reflection, and thoughtful discussion, we will build a direct understanding of the place where we live and examine its impact on the work we do. Please make use of this space to share thoughts, ask questions, exchange ideas, and post photos.
"It's cold here
The goose bumps on my arms
are a constant reminder of this
They tried to clip my wings...
Feet hitting the ground in a rythem
that is unmistakably running
I slip out of the house into the night air
My mind is swerling with thoughts
Flashes of memories pricking at my skin like nettles...
I push away the chains and keep on moving
blind with fear
My tree comes into sight towering above the others
It's branches sweep down as if to welcome me home
I keep my dreams here...
hiding in the nooks and crannies of the weathered bark
I climb into it's arms
I am set free from the doom
The pain becomes nothing but a faint glow
Here i am only one
And this is my world....
Tonight i will sleep here with the leaves and squirrels
and tomorrow will be a better day...."
Climbing up the stairs
thinking to my self how did i get here
wondering when i'll reach the top
and what will be there waiting for me
the blinding color
shading my eyes it engulfs my body
taking me over like the sea
everything is quiet
i try but no words will come out
suddenly i'm laying on the ground
small sparkles of white light above me
thoughts racing thru my head
my mind is still
i'm lost in the size
in the memories
in the pain
in the color
in the red.....