Friday, April 29, 2011


Thanks, all, for a great year of working together.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Everybody’s got a story. What’s yours?

What: StorySLAM

When: Friday, April 29th 1:30 – 4:00 PM

Where: MCC 7th Floor Lounge

Bring: Food and beverages to share, good humor, good ears, and a good story to tell.

Friday is our final meeting as a group, so we’re going to celebrate with a StorySLAM!  It will be a festive gathering and an opportunity to tell stories. Just us.

Here’s the scoop: We will put everyone’s names into a hat (or bowl or box or other receptacle), then draw them out one by one. When your name is called, you will have the stage for five minutes to tell a true story from your life on the theme of DISCOVERY. Your story can be inspirational, funny, sad, revealing, sentimental, exhilarating, painful, provocative, rueful, optimistic, bitter, or snarky . . . as you choose. But it must be true, it must be from your life, and it must be no longer than five minutes.

Here’s a loophole: If you do not want to tell a story, you may perform a song that you’ve written, recite a poem that you’ve written, or share a piece of visual art that you’ve created. Your work. On the theme of DISCOVERY. Five minutes to present.

Reflect: Consider the theme. Think of a true story from your life that relates to the theme.

Create: Conjure, channel, craft, and compose your story on the theme.

Shape: Write down an outline of your story. Give yourself a beginning, middle, and end.

Practice! Practice your story so you can remember it without the benefits of paper. Then practice it so you can keep it down to five minutes. Tell it to your plants but know that they are a tough audience. Revise. Rework. Curse your plants for not believing in you! Revamp. Finesse. Shave off another minute. Try again. Voila! Forgive your plants. Indeed, they helped you see the light.

Have fun. That’s an order!

Final Conferences

Monday, May 2
4:30     Allison Combs
4:40     Kevin Lavitt
4:50     Jessica Muljadi
5:00     Cassandra Richcreek
5:10     MacKenzie Sage
5:20     Chelsea Snowden-Smith
5:30     Jeremy Evans

Wednesday, May 4
4:30     Amie Christensen
4:40     Michael Eber
4:50     Xitlalic Hernandez
5:00     Taurean Johnson
5:10     Robert Lucy
5:20     Claire Mitchell
5:30     Will Story
5:40     Josh Thorsen

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This Week in the Artist in Place

Monday, April 25 4:30-5:50 PM
Your preparation: Please read "The Last Class" (pp. 225-237) in Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. Revise Paper #5 (your manifesto) and bring two clean, typed, double-spaced copies with you to class. (Detailed instructions are in your course reader.)

Wednesday, April 27 4:30-5:50 PM
Looking Forward
Your preparation: Portfolios Due. No exceptions.

Friday, April 29 1:30-4:20 PM

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This Week

Monday, April 4 4:30-5:50 PM
Work Session: Proofread & Correct the Copy
Your preparation: Please your latest draft of Paper #4 with you to class.

Wednesday, April 6 4:30-5:50 PM
Seminar: "The Ballad of Paul Nonetheless"
Your preparation: Read "The Ballad of Paul Nonetheless" in War Dances by Sherman Alexie. Complete Seminar Preparation #9. (Detailed instructions are in the course reader.)

Friday, April 8 1:30-4:20 PM
Work Session: Assemble the Book
Your preparation: Correct all book copy and bring it with you to class (typed, double-spaced). * Email all book images and copy--clean and corrected--to Chris at No exceptions.